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Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Place: Online at
Presenter: Amanda Erickson, Kaleidoscope Youth Center in Columbus, Ohio
Cost: Free

The Collaborative Summer Library Program’s Inclusion Committee is proud to share their 2022 annual online training session.

Examine statistics related to discrimination within libraries/schools and risks that LGBTQIA+ youth face on a day-to-day basis in their communities, then discuss ways that library professionals can improve the general climate of libraries and summer reading programs through various strategies from simple word choice to organizational policy change. An interactive safe space for all your questions will be moderated by a CSLP Inclusion Committee member following the presentation portion. Digital resource handouts will be provided.


  • Participants will learn about implicit bias, the complexity and depth of gender, and explanation of acronyms.
  • Participants will be given strategies to create a welcoming environment in their Library and their Library’s summer reading program for LGBTQIA+ youth.