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Date: Wednesday, May 03, 2023
Time: 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Place: Gloversville Public Library, also virtually

Would you like to learn strategies for increasing community engagement and library use? Do you wish you had more input into how MVLS serves member libraries? Could you use a model to follow for making community engagement and planning an ongoing activity in your library? Do your trustees need an easy way to complete the state mandated 2-hour annual trustee training requirement?

Please join us at the MVLS Spring Symposium. In person at the Gloversville Public Library, the event will also be offered virtually for those who cannot attend in person.

RSVP by April 26:

o   Erica Freudenberger is the Outreach & Marketing Consultant at SALS.  Her talk will include inspirations and examples to help libraries with community engagement, marketing, removing barriers to access, and merchandising.

o   Elissa Kane is a consultant who helps libraries with community engagement and planning.  She will lead the participants in conversations on what libraries need, the MVLS vision & goals, and ideas for improving MVLS efforts, focused on our 4 goals and the effort to help libraries connect with communities and increase library use.